Reading and Writing

Time – 1 hour


Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.

Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are
not already there.

Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.

Answer all the questions.

Read the instructions on the answer sheet.

Write your answers on the answer sheet. Use a pencil.

You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.

At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.


Part 2

Questions 7 – 13

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Young blog writers


Last year I wrote for my college magazine, which I found really difficult, but I don’t think it’s hard to write a good blog. Mine is about things from daily life that make me laugh. My older brother also has a blog, but we’re writing about different subjects. We don’t discuss what we’re planning, but we read each other’s blogs sometimes. I like giving advice to people who write in asking for it – it’s good to know I’ve helped.


I started writing my popular film blog because I love movies. I like it when readers send me articles by email about a film they’ve seen, and I put these on my blog for everyone to read. I’m still at college, so I’m careful about spending too long on my blog, which is difficult as writing well takes time. I don’t think I’ll write it for much longer. I’m busy, and it’s time to do something new.


I began writing on a school magazine. I stopped after a few years, but I missed it, so I started my own – I’m still writing it now! The blog’s new for me, and I write about daily life. I get ideas from friends or my sister when I can’t decide what to write about – we always think of something interesting, sad or serious. At first, almost nobody visited my site, but now more do, I’ve had some lovely comments.